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Begonia Maculata

Begonia Maculata

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Light: Bright to medium indirect light. No direct light. 

Water: Water when the soil is about 25-50% dry. Leaves will begin to droop a bit. If left too long without water, the leaves will begin to crisp. It is best to bottom water Begonias as they do not like any water sitting on their leaves. Place in a dish, saucer, or bowl of water and allow to absorb. 

Repotting: Repot into a nutrient rich, moisture retentive soil. It is best to repot into glazed ceramic or plastic pots to help retain moisture. If repotting into unglazed clay or terra cotta, keep a close eye on watering. 

Pet-Safe: No, sap contains calcium oxalate crystals, a substance that irritates skin, mucous membranes and the body. Pet will need to consume a lot of this plant to experience any irritation or sickness, it is okay to be around your pet.


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